RNSK 3’s Program
Our students thrive in a structured environment with predictable routines to grow trust in their teachers. Once trust is established, students are free to explore and take risks in their learning.
3’s Program
In the 3’s program we recognize play and direct exploration as basic learning tools for our students. Play experiences designed to facilitate learning in the school setting are basic to the early childhood curriculum. Through play, children express and develop themselves socially, emotionally, cognitively, and spiritually. Our knowledge of child development serves as a guide for providing appropriate and meaningful activities in art, music, math, science, literacy, language, and basic reading readiness skills.
Students begin to learn letters through name recognition, build fine motor skills through scissor skills practice, playdough and crafts, and practice writing through various mediums.
Our age appropriate Bible curriculum helps students understand who God is. We pray before snack and lunch, and sing songs about God.
Parents may chose from the following schedules:
3 Half Days - T/W/Th, 9:00am - 11:30am
3 Full Days - T/W/Th, 9:00am - 3:00pm
5 Half Days - M-F, 9:00am - 11:30am
5 Full Days - M-F, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Early Drop Off: We offer three options if you need to drop your child off before 9am: 7:30am, 8:00am or 8:30am. There is limited space in early drop off so it is first come, first served upon registration.
Extended Day: Lunch Bunch is available from 11:30-1:00pm.
After-School Programs:
Afternoon Enrichment (AE) - 3:00pm - 4:30pm
Kids Club (KC) - 3:00pm - 5:30pm
For more information on these programs please click here.
A typical day in the 3’s
Children start the day with free play that consists of different learning centers throughout the room, based on the theme of the week. The free play centers include library, art, easel, dramatic play, blocks, puzzles, play dough, and math and science. During the first circle time they count their friends, talk about the weather, sing a morning song and prayer, and review the calendar. Snack is served family style where the children help to set up for snack. After snack, the children have gross motor play outside on our beautiful playground or inside at one of our two indoor play spaces. Upon returning to the classroom, children sit for a second circle time. This is when the lesson of the day is taught, or a book is read. Our program is theme based. Examples of a 3-year-old themes are Apples, Weather, Feelings, etc. Children also engage in free book time where they explore different genres of books, learning to explore and manipulate books correctly. At the end of the morning, a goodbye song is sung and the half day children are dismissed.
In the afternoon, children have lunch in their classroom where the food is provided for the children through the school. After lunch, outdoor play provides an opportunity for children to play together in the fresh air and explore our playground area. In addition, an array of special enrichment classes are given three times a week and include music and movement, science, story time, and gardening. Children do have rest time in the afternoon. Normally, three year old’s rest for about an hour. Children then have a snack and are dismissed for the day.