Additional Programs
Early Drop Off
We offer before school programming at the following half hour intervals: 7:30AM, 8AM, or 8:30AM.
Lunch Bunch
A lunch program that extends the student’s day to 1:00PM. Lunch is offered as well as extended gross motor play and story time. This program is for 3’s and 4’s ONLY.
An afterschool program for 2’s beginning at 3:00PM and ending at 5:30PM. The 2’s play outside or in our indoor gym. They also have free play time in the classroom, snack, and art.
Afternoon Enrichment
An afterschool program for 3’s, 4’s and Kindergarten beginning at 3:00PM and ending at 4:30PM. Children participate in art enrichment, indoor and outdoor play. All children are required to be toilet trained if they attend Afternoon Enrichment.
Kid’s Club
An afterschool program for 3’s, 4’s and Kindergarten beginning at 3:00PM and ending at 5:30PM. Children participate in art, enrichment, indoor and outdoor play. All children are required to be toilet trained if they attend Kid’s Club.