RNSK’s kindergarten program is designed to give each child the very best possible foundation for learning. The primary goal is to prepare the children physically, socially, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Our transitional kindergarten program seeks to develop the interests and abilities of each child. While individualizing instruction, we follow the New York State Common Core Learning Standards for kindergarten. RNSK tailors relevant curriculum according to the needs of each child. It is our goal to foster creativity, individualize instruction according to need, and help each child realize his/her own potential, all while insuring they are prepared for moving on to public or private elementary school.
These objectives are best achieved through explicit small group and individual instruction. Children are also provided opportunities to learn through discovery. Our kindergarten program is designed to broaden the awareness of self, of others, and the environment, while providing opportunities for the development of readiness skills.
Parents may choose the following schedules:
3 Full Days T/W/Th, 2 Half Days M/F - 9:00am-3:00pm/11:30am
5 Full Days (M-F) - 9:00am - 3:00pm
Early Drop Off: We offer three options if you need to drop your child off before 9am: 7:30am, 8:00am or 8:30am. There is limited space in early drop off so it is first come, first served upon registration.
Extended Day: Lunch Bunch - 11:30am -1:00pm
After-School Programs:
Afternoon Enrichment (AE) - 3:00pm -4:30pm
Kids Club (KC) - 3:00pm -5:30pm
For more information on these programs please click here.
A Typical Day in Kindergarten
Morning Meeting - Prayer, read aloud, calendar, counting, pledge
Morning Work - Writing and literacy
Library - Children work on reading and explore and apply new reading strategies
Snack and Show and Tell - Snack supplied by RNSK while students practice public speaking amongst peers
Music and Movement - 10 minutes of movement and fun!
Centers - Children explore at the literacy, writing, science, math, art, dramatic play, play dough or blocks centers.
Math - Lessons include working with manipulatives and applying lessons independently through the EnVision Mathematics Program.
Lunch - Children eat in the Big Room with our 4’s classes. Lunch is provided by RNSK and served family style.
Afternoon Special - Specials include gardening, math, art, science and Bible drama
Recess - Gross motor play outside on our beautiful playground or in one of our indoor play areas.
Mini Lesson - Literacy, Bible, Science, Social Studies or games
Read Aloud with discussion
Parent/Teacher Communication
A monthly newsletter is sent out by the teacher discussing what has been covered in class for the month.
Bi-annual report cards are distributed.
Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled twice a year.
Children learn the letters of the alphabet and their associated sounds through a weekly theme. The activities and lessons of the week revolve around the theme.
A love of literature is nurtured and modeled as children respond to stories through discussion.
Students are introduced to sight words and phonemic awareness through song, reading, writing and games.
Individualized reading and small group instruction is provided in our literature rich environment.
Children develop a positive self-image and confidence in his/her given abilities.
Ongoing opportunities and learning experiences help each child meet with success.
Socially acceptable ways of handling problems and working in a group setting are emphasized.
Children experience participating in and contributing to group interactions, including show and tell.
There is a strong emphasis on good citizenship, respect and responsibility.
Games, songs, stories are part of our physical education, helping to develop auditory and visual perception.
Active play indoors and outdoors using gross motor coordination are a regular part of the day.
Carefully chosen educational materials are used to help develop small muscle coordination.
Positive attitudes toward learning are encouraged.
Tasks which require and expand each child’s reasoning and thinking skills are incorporated into the day.
Activities and lessons are planned to incorporate the content areas (math, science, social studies) as part of the child’s functional world.
Reading and writing are taught using a balanced approach. Children have opportunities for involvement with written words in a language-rich environment, which also includes phonics instruction.
Mathematics is taught through a combination of hands on activities and explicit instruction
At Ridgeway each child finds acceptance and is recognized as an individual perfectly crafted by the hand of God. Our goals are to provide a safe, child-centered environment where the child will learn to grow in their faith and be assured that God loves them and Jesus is their friend and Savior.
Our Bible curriculum is central to our program. We have developed a curriculum with monthly verses, Bible stories that are linked to our themes, a Christian music component, daily devotions, and daily prayer.